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The future we all dreamed of, AI will make it a reality

AI technology revolution will lead
to incredible changes in daily lives

Enriching the value of your everyday lives
That is the goal of CUBOX's AI and Robotics technology.
What is Face Recognition

Face Recognition Technology uses
unique biometric information and
face features to verify identity.


The accuracy of face recognition
technology has already surpassed
the level of simply recognizing people and
is now being used in various fields based on
its convenience.

A world where your face
is your ID

CUBOX exists to create this amazing world

Face Recognition

Recognizing faces with AI requires Acquiring, detecting, aligning, extracting, and comparing features.
CUBOX's face recognition technology performs these processes in just one second.

  • Face Detection

    Finding and cropping the area
    corresponding to the human
    face in the entire image

  • Face Alignment

    Adjusting the size, angle, etc. of the cropped
    face image and aligning it

  • Face Feature Detection

    Extracting the biometric
    information from the face image

  • Face Matching

    Identifying each individual by
    comparing the extracted
    information 1:1 or 1:N

CUBOX's technology
is recognized

The Face Recognition Vendor Test (NIST FRVT) conducted by the American National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST FRVT) is attended by 200 face recognition
technology companies worldwide.

  • 01
    5 Global Segments
    1:1 Verification Kiosk
    1:N Identification Visa-Kiosk
    1:N Investigation Visa-Kiosk
    1:N Investigation Border
    Paperless Travel
    Note: Based on 1:1 Verification 21.11 / Based on 1:N Identification,
    Investigation 21.09 / Based on Paperless Travel 21.10
    World ranking
  • 02
    4 Segments in 1:1 Verification
    Mugshot 12+
    Note: Based on 1:1 Verification 21.09
    Domestic ranking
  • 03
    All Segments on 1:1 Identification
    Border-Border 10+
    Mugshot-Mugshot 12+
    Note: Based on 1:N Identification, Investigation 21.09
    Domestic ranking
  • 04
    The first iBeta certification in Korea
    Obtained the iBeta ISO/IEC 30107-3 Certification
    Note: Based on 21.07
    Korea's first/only


  • Face Recognition Technology

    We have one of the world's best AI face recognition
    technologies and strive to provide the best performance
    by converging with various business sectors such as finance,
    life, transportation, and F&B.

  • Liveness Technology

    We are providing unique solutions in various fields
    such as finance and payment with our Liveness Technology
    with 99% accuracy. It can block all forgery attacks,
    including paper masks, images, and 3D silicone masks.

  • Object Detection Technology

    With vision AI, we provide a solution that detects and
    identifies objects, assisting industries such as logistics
    and small packaging where significant labor force is required.

  • Robotics

    CUBOX takes the lead in implementing “intelligence that has
    a body and moves by itself” in the words of Professor Manuela
    Maria Veloso, who is currently at Carnegie Mellon University.
    Active VISION AI enriches our lives and makes it even more

AI Technology is key to the future - AI Technology is key to the future - AI Technology is key to the future

AI Technology is key to the future - AI Technology is key to the future - AI Technology is key to the future

AI Technology is key to the future - AI Technology is key to the future - AI Technology is key to the future

AI Technology is key to the future - AI Technology is key to the future - AI Technology is key to the future